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CM3 conference: May 25–27, 2015
Green Challenges in Automotive, Railways, Aeronautics and Maritime Engineering
Organized by the University of Jyväskylä, the Department of Mathematical Information Technology
Special interest ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG)
Important dates
- March 31, 2015: Deadline for presenting a one to four pages abstract
- April 15, 2015: Decision on the acceptance
- April 30, 2015: Deadline for registration to have the paper included into the abstract book
- May 25–27, 2015: The CM3 Conference
The conference is supported by the Department of Mathematical Technology and TSV, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibiting at the conference, please contact the conference secretariat.
CM3 starts in:
Abstract submission system
See conference programme.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference
CM3 is the 1st of the series of ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences organized by the ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG).
ECCOMAS is the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Further information can be found:
Multidisciplinary Scientific Computing is now one of the powerful design technologies used in industry. This trend has been enhanced by the ever increasing capabilities of computational technology, storing of information and the decreasing cost of computer hardware. Analysis of Multidisciplinary Big Data is also becoming extremely important in process control, intelligent systems for surveillance and safety procedures.
In the upcoming decade the integration of Advanced Multidisciplinary Simulation (MS), Optimization (MO) and Big Data Analysis (MBDA) tools will have a major impact on systemic procedures in both industrial and societal environments.
Opportunities offered by Multi Physics, Multi Scales and Multi Big Data (CM3) methods span the industrial spectrum, including greener technologies for automotive, aerospace, marine and maritime, energy, train, road logistics, among other sectors. In all these multidisciplinary areas industrial designers are faced with greener challenges targeted in the new ambitious Horizon 2020 program.
To answer these green challenges and their innovative solutions the new ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG) is launching the first of an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference series focused on Challenging Transportation named CM3 – Computational Multi Physics, Multi Scales and Multi Big Data in Transport Modeling, Simulation and Optimization with applications in Automotive, Railways, Aeronautics and Maritime Engineering.
Format of the Conference
The format of the CM3 event will include Plenary and Semi-Plenary lectures, Keynote presentations, Mini-symposiums, contributed papers, poster session, and dissemination of EC projects. Moreover, we will organize Special Technology Round Table Sessions (STS) for each major application of the conference. The focus of the CM3 is to bring together scientists and technologists involved in surface, air and waterborne transport to discuss innovative multidisciplinary methods and tools for mastering green challenges of transport applications.
Conference Topics
Modeling and Simulation challenges in Aeronautic, Marine, Automotive and Railway Transport
Application areas:
- Urban mobility and multimodal transport
- Transport infrastructure management and design
- In-silico Blue Technologies, Aircraft and Vehicle Technology
- Environmental impact simulation
- Security and safety
- Vehicle and user communication interfaces
- Logistics
- CFD & wave problems
- Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics
- Acoustics and Aero-acoustics
- Electromagnetism
- Structural mechanics and dynamics & FSI
- Uncertainty Quantification in transport
- Wave propagation in random media
- Simulation of manufacturing processes
- Optimization and control
- Route and navigation
- Mission Path Planning
- Fleet Ground, Marine and Air management
- Optimal design
- Traffic management
Chairmen of the Conference
- Pekka Neittaanmäki (ECCOMAS, JYU)
- Jacques Périaux (ECCOMAS, JYU, CIMNE)
- Tero Tuovinen (ECCOMAS, JYU)
- Pedro Díez (ECCOMAS, UPC)
Special Technology Sessions (STSs) Committee
- Adel Abbas (UPM, Spain), Aeronautics
- Régis Cottereau (ECP, France), Railways
- Trond Kvamsdal (NTNU, Norway), Maritime
- Mikael Törmänen (Volvo, Sweden), Automotive
ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG)
- Ferdinando Auricchio, UNIPV, Italy
- Tadeusz Burczynski, IPPT PAN, Poland
- Boris Chetverushkin, RAS, Russia
- Pedro Díez, UPC, Spain
- Charles Hirsch, NUMECA, Belgium
- Pekka Neittaanmäki, JYU, Finland
- Manolis Papadrakakis, NTUA, Greece
- Jacques Périaux, JYU, Finland, and CIMNE, Spain
- Tero Tuovinen, JYU, Finland
- Wolfgang Wall, TUM, Germany
Industry Committee
- Airbus (Daniel Redondo, Spain & Geza Schrauf, Germany)
- CFD Sofware E+F GmbH (Charles Mockett, Germany)
- Dassault Aviation (Michel Mallet, France)
- ESTECO (Luca Onesti, Italy)
- MyOpt Consulting Ltd (Olli Bräysy, Finland)
- NEST AS (Pål Bergan, Norway)
- Patria (Petri Hepola, Finland)
- PLOCAN (Joaquin Brito, Spain)
- Quantech (Javier Marcipar, Spain)
- Volkswagen (Carsten Othmer, Germany)
- Volvo (Mikael Törmanen, Sweden)
Academy Committee
- Amir Averbuch, TAU, Israel
- Alfredo Bermudez, USC, Spain
- Michel Bierlaire, EPFL, Switzerland
- Gabriel Bugeda, CIMNE, Spain
- Josef Eberhardsteiner, TUWIEN, Austria
- William Fitzgibbon, UH, USA
- Blas Galván, ULPGC, Spain
- Kyriakos Giannakoglou, NTUA, Greece
- Veikko Hara, Rovio, Finland
- Jari Hämäläinen, LUT, Finland
- Chris Lacor, VUB, Belgium
- Herbert Mang, TUWIEN, Austria
- Alexander Maslov, Keldysh Institute, Russia
- Rafael Montenegro, SIANI, Spain
- Eugenio Oñate, CIMNE, Spain
- Olivier Pironneau, UPMC, France
- Ning Qin, Univ. Sheffield, UK
- Domenico Quagliarella, CIRA, Italy
- Peter Råback, CSC, Finland
- Mariano Vasquez, BSC, Spain
- Olli Ventä, VTT, Finland
- Viktor Zakharov, SPBU, Russia
Local Organization Committee
- Juha Jeronen
- Ilkka Pölönen
- Marja-Leena Rantalainen
- Tuomo Rossi
- Seppo Tarvainen
- Kati Valpe
CM3 will be hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, the Department of Mathematical Information Technology. The conference will be held in a modern congress centre, Paviljonki located near by the city center.