In the year 1995, the main research areas in the Laboratory of Scientific Computing have been the foundations of computational methods, computational mechanics and physics, control and identification, computational methods for large-scale systems and neural networks in telecommunication planning.

The scientific work in the laboratory has been productive: three monographs have been prepared, 20 journal papers or submitted journal papers, and 42 other publications have been published. Moreover, four doctoral and four licentiate degrees have been completed.

Scientific computing is one of the four research programmes of the Jyväskylä Graduate School in Computing and Mathematical Sciences (COMAS). COMAS is a doctoral programme, jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, the Department of Statistics, and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Jyväskylä. Currently, there are 11 doctoral theses in scientific computing under preparation.

The international collaboration has been active in 1995. We had 33 foreign visitors and the members of the staff gave 30 presentations in conferences and colloquia abroad. Professors J. Haslinger, Yu. A. Kuznetsov and J. Periaux, our part-time foreign professors, visited several times. Professors C. Marinov, M. Rudnicki and D. Tiba also spent long times in Jyväskylä.

Our national sponsors have been the University of Jyväskylä, the Academy of Finland, TEKES (Technology Development Centre of Finland) and some enterprises as well as some research and cultural foundations.

Jyväskylä, December 1995
Raino A.E. Mäkinen
Head of the Laboratory

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