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International WorkshopReliable Methods of Mathematical ModellingandApplications in Science and TechnologyAgora, Jyväskylä, Finland, September 25-27, 2003University of Jyväskylä
The workshop is focused on the reliable methods of mathematical modelling used in the modern numerical analysis of problems in mechanics, physics, biology and other areas that lead to large scale models for differential equations. It is intended to present recent advances in developing effective mesh-adaptive numerical methods based upon a posteriori error estimates and stimulate the exchange of scientific ideas in these areas.
Contributions are welcomed in the following research areas:
1. a priori and a posteriori error control of numerical solutions,
2. mesh-adaptive methods based upon a posteriori error estimators of various types,
3. effective numerical methods for solving finite dimensional problems.
Scientific Committee: I. Babuska (USA), R. Becker (Germany), C. Carstensen (Austria), Ph. Clément (Netherlands), R. Ewing (USA), I. Faragó (Hungary), M. Feistauer (Czech Republic), R. Glowinski (USA), R. Hoppe (Germany/USA), J. Hämäläinen (Finland), Yu. Kuznetsov (USA), P. Ladeveze (France), P. Neittaanmäki (Finland), A. Patera (USA), J. Peraire (USA), O. Pironneau (France), J. Rappaz (Switzerland), S. Repin (Russia), S. Sauter (Switzerland), E. Stein (Germany), R. Stenberg (Finland), T. Strouboulis (USA), E. Süli (UK), B. Wohlmuth (Germany).
Organizing Committee: P. Neittaanmäki (Finland) -- Chairman, S. Korotov (Finland), J. Martikainen (Finland), S. Repin (Russia/Finland), S. Sauter (Switzerland), A. Smolianskii (Switzerland/Finland)
Timetable of Workshop - PS file
Timetable of Workshop - PDF file
Information on train connection from Helsinki to Jyväskylä
Information on bus connection from Helsinki to Jyväskylä
Workshop fee is 90 euros (normal), and 30 euros for PhD students.
All the information about hotels in Jyväskylä (with prices and e-mail addresses) can be found from here. The organizers especially recommend hotels Alba and Milton, which are quite comfortable and locate not far from Agora.
The organizers intend to publish the workshop proceedings. All papers will be collected during the workshop. Thus, participants are kindly asked to prepare their contributions in TEX (max. 15 pages).
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