Seminar Program 2013
- 16.1. Planning
- 23.1. Overview of the current research activities in the group
- 6.2. Karthik Sindhya Activities
- 11.2. Ralph E. Steuer (University of Georgia, U.S.A.) Nondominated
Surfaces: Computation, Analysis, Representation Difficulties, and Peculiarities
- 27.2. Markus Hartikainen Nonconvex Pareto Navigator: Experiences from
- 6.3. Sharing experiences with modeling languages
- 21.3. Barkat Bhayo On the Reduction of Objective Functions
- 27.3. Sauli Ruuska Analytical Target Cascading and Lagrangian Relaxation
- 10.4. Kaisa Miettinen
- 17.4. Kai Sirén (Aalto University) Research in the Field of Building
Energy Efficiency and HVAC-technology
- 17.4. Mahomad Hamdy (Aalto University) Combining Simulation and
Optimization for Dimensioning Optimal Building Envilopes and HVAC Systems
- 24.4. David Greiner (ULPGC, Spain) Solving
single- and multi-objective evolutionary design optimization problems in
structural and civil engineering
- 8.5. Collaborative writing session
- 14.5. Ingrida Steponavice Multiobjective Optimization of Integrated
design and Control of a Paper Mill
- 28.5. Tommi Kokko Neural Networks for Computationally Expensive Problems
- 29.5. Vesa Ojalehto, Dmitry Padkopaev Presentations at the MCDM2013
- 5.6. Jussi Hakanen, Karthik Sindhya Presentations at the MCDM2013 seminar
- 10.6. Markus Hartikainen Presentations at the MCDM2013 seminar
- 12.8. Gilberto Montibeller (London School of Economics) Developing
Risk Management Support Systems for the Prioritization of Emerging Health Threats
- 21.8. Giulia Saccani (Politecnico di Milano) Assessing the most suitable
treatment for nitrate removal from groundwater through a structured approach: The
Milan City Water Supply Service case study
- 21.8. Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) Evolutionary
Many-Objective Optimization
- 28.8. Ernestas Filatovas (Vilnius University) My future research
- 4.9. Conference experiences during summer 2013
- 11.9. Karthik Sindhya Experiences from lecturing at the MCDA/M summer
- 18.9. Markus Hartikainen Funding opportunities at Horizon 2020 and a
poster of our research
- 26.9. Dipankar Dasgupta (University of Memphis) Genetic
Learning Algorithms in developing a framework for Cloud Security Insurance
- 2.10. Schedule for the fall seminar and other relevant issues
- 9.10. Giulia Saccani (Politecnico di Milano) Assessing the most suitable
treatment for nitrate removal from groundwater through a structured approach: The
Milan City Water Supply Service case study (part 2)
- 23.10. Markus Hartikainen Lessons Learned from Parallellizing PAINT and
Solving Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Problems with Cplex
- 30.10. Mohammad Tabatabaei A Survey on Handling Computationally Expensive
Multiobjective Optimization Problems (a talk to be given in a doctoral school in
- 13.11. Giulia Saccani (Politecnico di Milano) Assessing the most suitable
treatment for nitrate removal from groundwater through a structured approach: The
Milan City Water Supply Service case study (part 3)
- 20.11. Dmitry Podkopaev Decision making with multiple decision makers:
groups, games and negotiations
- 26.11. at 9:15 am Tinkle Chugh A short description towards classification
of approaches to handle multi-objective computationally expensive problems
- 3.12. at 10:15 am Jussi Hakanen An overview of a new paper: M. Bortz, J.
Burger, N. Asprion, S. Blagov, R. Böttcher, U. Nowak, A. Scheithauer, R. Welke,
K.-H. Küfer, H. Hasse, Multi-criteria optimization in chemical process design and
decision support by navigation on Pareto sets, Computers & Chemical Engineering 60,
2014, Pages 354-363
- 11.12. at 10:15 am Vesa Ojalehto
- 18.12. at 2:15 pm Karthik Sindhya