Liite 2
  • Brian Kernighan
  • Co-author of The C Programming Language
  • AT&T Bell Laboratories
  • "Tcl/Tk is wonderfully productive; in a few hours one can accomplish what might well take days or even weeks with C-based tools. The package is extremely robust, very well documented, and has an active and cooperative group of users. The source code is freely available and of exceptionally high quality. It is clearly possible to build production-quality user interfaces with Tcl/Tk, and to do so far faster than with competing tools."
    1995 Tcl/Tk Proceedings
  • Bob Purvy
  • Group Manager, System Management Products
  • Oracle Corporation
  • The Oracle Enterprise Manager is a comprehensive suite of systems management tools that enable customers to monitor and manage their networks of Oracle databases and other software. The Enterprise Manager provides mission critical support by ensuring, for example, that database servers are kept running. Tcl is the "intelligence" in the Enterprise Manager framework. We use Tcl, together with the OraTcl extension done by Tom Poindexter of US West, and a number of other extensions that we wrote, to provide monitoring and management. In general we find Tcl to be very effective for what we need, which is a portable scripting language with wide acceptance in the developer community, and which is extremely easy to work with and extend.
  • Dave Griffin
  • Digital Equipment Corporation
  • Digital's AltaVista Forum is a Web-based collaboration environment. Tcl is used as the primary scripting language for developing collaborative applications and also is used in the development of the underlying toolkit (along with a database, a powerful search engine, a simple object-based inheritance mechanism, and a ton of other goodies). We selected Tcl as our scripting language because it is open, robust, highly extensible, and has a very nice book describing it.
  • Dr. Michael J. McLennan
  • Member of Technical Staff
  • Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
  • I have been using Tcl/Tk for more than four years, and I love it. Tcl/Tk has revolutionized the way we build software. I work in a laboratory that builds Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools for integrated circuits. We have embedded Tcl/Tk into many of our tools, including a circuit simulator, an interconnect capacitance simulator, and a parameter extractor. One of these tools appears on the front cover of John Ousterhout's Tcl/Tk book. I have heard people say that Tcl/Tk cannot be used to build large applications, but that's not true. We use the [incr Tcl] extension to support object-oriented programming, and our applications easily grow to something like 40,000 lines of Tcl code. Now that our tools "speak" Tcl, we can add new functions in a matter of hours and write new interfaces in just a few weeks. Our customers also can write scripts to customize their tools. We would not be able to do any of this with the commercial user-interface builder tools.

  • Dr. Michael B. Johnson
  • Media Arts Technologist
  • Pixar Animation Studios
  • At Pixar, Tcl/Tk is used all over the company in a wide variety of projects. Here in the Interactive Group, we've standardized on Tcl/Tk as one of the core technologies for our cross-platform development tools, and have been pleased with the quality of the Mac and PC ports. Tcl/Tk is a powerful set of tools and is accompanied by the friendliest, most intelligently pragmatic development community I've ever been involved with. I think it's wonderful that Sun continues to support the Tcl/Tk project.
  • Nathaniel Borenstein
  • Chief Scientist
  • First Virtual Holdings Inc.
  • First Virtual Holdings Inc, the leader in Internet commerce, is strongly committed to the future of Tcl. We find that Tcl's extensibility and versatility allows us to create products and react to new requirements quickly. We constructed our first products using Tcl, and we intend to use Tcl for our subsequent products. Our first payment processing system has performed flawlessly while processing hundreds of thousands of real-world financial transactions. Our second transaction processing system is also written in Tcl. Tcl provides a platform that allows us to fully test a system before bringing it on-line. This ability greatly simplified the introduction of our second generation transaction processing system. By combining many of the best features of a number of other programming languages, Tcl enables rapid code development without sacrificing power or structure. The ease with which you can add C code to define new Tcl primitives, in my opinion, virtually eliminates the major efficiency objections that have traditionally applied to interpreted languages. Tcl was a vital tool that helped us to be first to market, and continues to help us to remain nimble and competitive.
  • Bret A. Schuhmacher
  • Technical Director
  • WebNet Technologies
  • WebNet Technologies uses Tcl to write CGI back-end programs. Tcl allows us to write very complicated programs that interface with other servers, databases, and fax and email systems in an extremely short period of time. Tcl's short learning curve, broad range of extensions, open architecture, and abundant resources (comp.lang.tcl) make it an ideal choice for us. If you can dream it, you can build it with Tcl/Tk!
  • Gil Stevens
  • Sr. Director
  • Intelligent Network Software Development
  • DSC Communications Corporation
  • Tcl and Tk, along with their various extension sets, have increased software productivity and proven to be reliable components in a 7x24 telecom environment.
  • Jim Falbo
  • VP Engineering
  • CADIX International Inc.
  • We use Tcl/Tk as the primary programming language for our Tiger project-a CAD framework and several Electronic Design Automation (EDA) applications. We've leveraged our DA expertise to create CAD/EDA-specific Tcl Extensions and at the same time provided a high quality, consistent application GUI using Tk. Having written more than 100,000 lines of code with limited resources and little or no problems, we're very pleased with Tcl/Tk. As an engineering manager, I find the biggest boon of Tcl/Tk is that I can assign many programmers to one application with minimal development conflict.
  • J.M. Ivler
  • Owner
  • Infobahn Xpress
  • After working with Tcl/Tk for several years in rapid prototyping of X-based applications, I found that Tcl, used for development of Web CGI programs, offers a safe, fast, rapid development environment and easy integration into the World Wide Web. email.tcl, a program that has been released freely on the Internet and that graced the initial issue of Web Developer, shows just how easy it is to incorporate Tcl into your CGI workspace.
  • Dr. Laurent Demailly
  • Project Manager
  • Observatoire de Paris
  • In early 1993, we used Tcl/Tk for our distributed control system. Tcl/Tk proved to be a great choice for fast and flexible development. It still is today! Tcl's extensibility is critical for the success of our open systems.
    Steve Landers
    Vice President of Architecture and Strategic Development Open Systems Management Group Tcl/Tk has provided a mature, flexible technology that allows the COSMOS suite of system-management products to rapid adapt to changing market trends, across a range of platforms from UNIX to Microsoft Windows NT. Tcl/Tk reduced the effort in implementing our client-server GUI by an order of magnitude-resulting in a better product reaching the market sooner.
  • Terry Pudwell
  • Managing Director
  • March Systems Ltd.
  • March Systems Ltd. produces Security Manager, a client-server UNIX and Windows/NT security tool based on Tcl and Tk. It uses Tcl as a scripting language for security rules-functional checks-to be applied to a system, making it both flexible and extensible. The rapid development cycles associated with Tcl/Tk allow us to respond quickly to newly discovered security concerns, often in a matter of days. Much of Security Manager itself is written in Tcl, including the network controller (client) and parts of the remote agents (servers). An agent on each managed system applies the security checks under the control of the controller, which is a Tk-based GUI for managing the security of whole networks of UNIX and Windows/NT machines. Tcl/Tk's portability and cross-platform uniformity are aiding our development on new platforms such as Windows/NT and Windows 95.
  • Steve Herrod and Scott Devine
  • The SimOS group at Stanford University
  • Department of Computer Science
  • SimOS is the world's fastest and most powerful computer system simulator, quickly executing commercial operating systems and applications. As such, it is an excellent platform for operating system development, architectural evaluation, and application performance debugging. SimOS's greatest strength is that it can track, classify, and visualize every machine-level event that occurs during the execution of a workload, including cache misses, disk accesses, exceptions, and instruction execution. The problem is that, without classification and processing, there is simply too much data at too low of a level to be useful. We found Tcl to be the ideal solution to this problem. Using Tcl, we encourage users to customize their event classification, mapping the low-level machine events back to application-level information. Using Tk, the resulting information is presented graphically throughout the execution of the simulation, providing immediate feedback to the user. Tcl was simple to incorporate into our existing code base, provides a flexible interface for simulator control, and is fast enough for the real-time processing of our voluminous data.
  • Doug Hughes
  • Senior Network Engineer
  • Auburn University College of Engineering
  • Tcl/Tk is the most useful tool in existence for rapid prototyping of GUI, network, and system-administration tools. The quick development time, ease of use, and availability of various excellent extensions make it exceptionally easy to develop new, labor-saving applications and leverage off the libraries of already existing tools produced by a large, dynamic users group.

  • Nathan R. Price
  • Neosoft, Inc.
  • I'm new to the Tcl/Tk community, but I wanted to comment about the language. I think it is wonderful. Tcl/Tk lets you create nice looking, functional programs very easily. With Tcl, in a matter of minutes I created a toolbar that is functional and easy to use-a toolbar that would have taken several hours to create using C. After years of toying with C and not producing much that is visually appealing, it's great to have Tcl/Tk.
  • Karl Lehenbauer
  • Chief Technical Officer
  • NeoSoft, Inc.
  • Tcl is easy to learn, powerful, extensible, and... fun. With its simple syntax and advanced graphical toolkit, HTML writers can rapidly step up to writing new and exciting webpages with active content, even without prior programming experience. We use Tcl extensively throughout our organization, and it has given us the edge that has made one of the world's most popular websites, and helped us to grow our business to over 25 times its size in only three years.