Unix ja shell-ohjelmointi 2001, demo 4 (14.2.2001)
As above but print also the reference text, i.e., all until following </a>.
character | notation |
ä | ä |
ö | ö |
Ä | Ä |
Ö | Ö |
Write scripts that use this file to convert special characters in a file into HTML format and back.
From Hewlett-Packard@hpcc963.external.hp.com Thu Apr 6 12:36:23 2000 Return-Path: <Hewlett-Packard@hpcc963.external.hp.com> Received: from hpcc963.external.hp.com (hpcc963.external.hp.com []) by jane.math.jyu.fi (8.8.6 (PHNE_14041)/8.8.6) with ESMTP id MAA16086 for <tt@mit.jyu.fi>; Thu, 6 Apr 2000 12:36:22 +0300 (EETDST) From: Hewlett-Packard@hpcc963.external.hp.com Received: (from root@localhost) by hpcc963.external.hp.com (8.8.6 (PHNE_17135)/8.8.5tis) id FAA12651; Thu, 6 Apr 2000 05:36:19 -0400 (EDT) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 05:36:19 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <200004060936.FAA12651@hpcc963.external.hp.com> To: tt@mit.jyu.fi Subject: Extension Software Patch Bundles Software License Status: RO Content-Length: 1070 Lines: 42The first header line is always "From " (capital F, trailing space), multiline header fields are indicated by indenting continuation lines and the header is separated from the message body by a blank line. A mail folder can have any number of messages, new message can be detected by the initial "From " line.
Write a script that processes a mail folder,
checks every message to see if its subject includes
the word "kalakukko" and if so,
writes the message (with header) to file $HOME/censored, otherwise
inserts a header line
X-note: approved by censorship board
and prints the message (with header) to stdin.