Leena Hiltunen

Right Align Ph.Lic., Aenior assistant, Student councelor
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
P.O.Box 35 (Agora)
phone: 014-260 4977
fax: 014-260 4980

Street address: Mattilanniemi 2, JYVÄSKYLÄ
Office: Agora C414.2 (4. krs, Ohjelmistotekniikka)
E-mail: leena.hiltunen(at)mit.jyu.fi


Left AlignI am working as a senior assistant, a researcher and a computer science teacher in Computer Science Teacher Education study line at the Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä.

My responsibilities are in teaching of masters studies in Computer Science Teacher Education study line and development of new web-based teaching instruments. In my research I emphasize web-based learning and its exploitation in teaching of Computer Science.

I know that you know that I know what we are talking about ;-)