TIE346    |     Teacher Education    |     Student counselling

A tentative schedule for the Course - 2005

Notice that, all lectures all only in Finnish!

Time & topic Matherials Assignments
Week 3
Tue 18.1. at 12-14
Ag Alfa

Introduction and scheduling

How to writelearning diary?

See some guidelines and examples:

Guidelines on Keeping a Learning Diary
ENO Learning Diary
An example of learning diary
An another example of learning diary
Today on Course
  • Course introduction
  • Course schedule
  • What one should know about the Course
  • Introduction of the term papers
  • How to write learning diary
  • Selection of the chairpersons for the discussions
  • Optima guidance
  • Start-up assignments in Optima
Thu 20.1. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa


Funderstanding (1998-2001):
About learning

Johnson, T. (2003)
Learning about Learning

Keeley, M. (1997):
Concepts of Learning, Bucs County Community College.

About (2003)
Learning Styles

Learning to Learn, Rio Salado College, 2003.

Learning to Learn Network - own sites for both teachers and students.
We start from traditional learning and e-learning.

  • Summon up a memory or a thought of some best (or memorable) learning experience during the university stydies. What was that learning experience about and what made it feel so good (or memorable)?
  • Define a word "learning". What would a word "learning" spring to your mind? List all those things you know, imagine or believe about learning.

  • -> everyday conceptions of learning
Week 4
Tue 25.1. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 1:
How well or in which extent things you listed earlier (your everyday conceptions of learning) correspond with learning theories found from materials?
Thu 27.1. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...


Russell Thomas L. (ed.):
The "No Significant Difference Phenomenon", 28.9.2001.

Russell Thomas L. (ed.):
Significant Difference, 28.9.2001.

Palloff Rena M. & Pratt Keith:
Building Learning Communities in Cyperspace, ss. 3-20, Jossey-Bass Publisers, San Francisco 1999.

Learning in different environments
Week 5
Tue 1.2. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 2:
How learning itself changes when we move from traditional class room environment into virtual learning environment - or does is?
Thu 3.2. at 14-16
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

Benoit, B.: Problem-based learning

Rhem, J.: Problem-based learning: An introduction

Lewis, M., Bishay, M., McArthur, D. & Chou, J. (1992) Supporting Discovery Learning in Mathematics: Design and Analysis of an Exploration Environment and Inquiry Activities

Weiss Renée E., Knowlton Dave S. & Speck Bruce W. (ed.):
Principles of Effective Teaching in the Online Classroom, luvut 1, 5 ja 8, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 84, Winter 2000, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco 2000.

Cyrs Thomas E. (ed.):
Teaching and Learning at a distance: What It Takes to Effectively Design, Deliver and Evaluate Programs, ss. 13-48 ja 87-94, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 71, Fall 1997, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco 1997.

  • What makes for an excellent teacher?
  • What are the characteristics of an excellent teacher?
  • Teaching act vs. learning act?
  • Teaching acts of an excellent teacher?
  • How teacher can improve learning with teaching?
  • What kind of teaching acts teacrer's should do to get students learn as good as possible?
  • What kind of learning acts are required from students to achive excellent learning results?
  • Does the knowledge transfer?
  • Teacher's role in e-learning?
Week 6
Tue 8.2. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 3:
How teaching in different environments influences on teaching acts of a teacher?
Thu 10.2. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

a. Computer Science as a school subject:

Deek, F.P. & Kimmel, H. (eds.)
Computer science education in the Secondary schools: Curriculum guidelines, content and professional development. Proceedings of the 1995, 1996 and 1997 conferences, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Finnish Ministry of Education (1999).
Education, training and research in the information society. A National strategy for 2000-2004.

Finnish Ministry of Education (1998).
Information Strategy for Education and Research 2000-2004. Implementation plan.

Finnish Ministry of Education (1999).
Higher Education Policy in Finland 2000-20004

Finnish National Board of Education (2004).
National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2004. The National Board of Education's recommendation for the core curriculum for instruction.

  • What is excellent computer science teaching like?
  • What kind of contents are usually, in practice, studied in computer science?
Week 7
Tue 15.2. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 4:
What basics should be studied in Computer Science in different educational levels?
Thu 17.2. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

... continue

b. Best practices of teaching Computer Science:

Eisenberg M.B. & Johnson D.:
Computer skills for information problem-solving: learning and teaching technology in context, Eric DIGGEST, Clearinghouse on I&T, March 1996.

Boyle T.:
Constructivism: A suitable pedagogy for information and computing sciences? , LTSN-ICS 1st Annual Conference, August 2000, Edinburgh.

Roberts T.S., Romm C.T. & Jones D.:
Current practice in web-based delivery of IT courses, APWEB 2000, Xi'an, China, 27-29 Oct 2000.

Rodger S.H.:
An interactive lecture approach to teaching computer science (PDF), SIGCSE´'95 3/95 Nashville, TN USA.

Herrman, N. & Popyack, J.:
Creating an authentic learning experience in introductory programming courses, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol 27, No 1, pp 199-203 (Optimassa).

Wills C.E., Finkel D., Gennert M.A. & Ward M.O.:
Peer learning in an introductory computer science cource , ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Selected papers of the twenty-fifth annual SIGCSE symposium on Computer science education, March 1994, Volume 26 Issue 1. (Optimassa)

Evans Sabin R. & Sabin E.P.:
Collaborative learning in an introductory computer science course , ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Selected papers of the twenty-fifth annual SIGCSE symposium on Computer science education, March 1994, Volume 26 Issue 1. (Optimassa)

McConnell J.J:
Active learning and its use in computer science, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education, June 1996, Volume 28 Issue SI. (Optimassa)

Baldwin D.:
Discovery learning in computer science, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , Proceedings of the twenty-seventh SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, March 1996, Volume 28 Issue 1. (Optimassa)

Jenkins T.:
Teaching programming - a journey from teacher to motivator, (Print this as PDF or as lanscape), The 2nd Annual Conference of the LTSN Center for Information and Computer Science, August 2001.

Davis H.C., Carr L., Cooke E. & White S.:
Managing Diversity: Experiences Teaching Programming Principles, (Print this as PDF or as lanscape), The 2nd Annual Conference of the LTSN Center for Information and Computer Science, August 2001.

Chamillard A.T. & Karolick D.:
Using learning style data in an introductory computer science course , ACM SIGCSE Bulletin , The proceedings of the thirtieth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, March 1999, Volume 31 Issue 1. (Optimassa)

c. E-learning practices in Computer Science

Thomas P.:
Electronic support for computing students at a distance, LTSN-ICS Italics, Electronic Journal, Vol. 1., Issue 1.

Gold S.:
A constructivist approach to online training for online teachers (PDF), Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 5(1), 35-57

Haataja, A., Suhonen, J., Sutinen, E. & Torvinen, S.: High School Students Learning Computer Science over the Web

It seems like there are too much to study, but most of there articles are just one or two pages long :)

Here are such among of references, becauce no-one has yet find that best practice to use - perhaps you can define it?
Week 8
Tue 22.2. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 5:
What kind of educational method and learning concepts can be (or should be) used in (e-)learning Computer Science?
Thu 24.2. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

  Learning assignment 6:
Look for two well implemented web courses from the Internet, and analyse the course first from the web service viewpoint and secondly, from the digital learning material viewpoint.
Week 9
Week 10
Tue 8.3. at 12-14
Ag Alfa

a. Crach course in XML:

Johdatus XML-tekniikkaan
Johdatus XML:n pariin
Mikä on XML?
Englanti-Suomi XML-sanasto
DTD:n suunnittelu
CSS:n suunnittelu
Virallinen XML-sivusto (W3C)

Nykänen O. (2001) XML. Docendo

Learning assignment 7:
Thu 10.3. at 8.30-10
Ag B212.2

Guidance session from XML

NB! Only one session
Week 11
Tue 15.3. at 12-14
Ag B211.1

Guidance session from XML

NB! Only one session
Thu 17.3. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

Osa 5a. LEARNING PLATFORMS - construction and components
Riikonen, Niina:
Verkkopohjaisen oppimisympäristösovelluksen vaatimusmäärittely , luvut 3-4, Pro gradu-tutkielma, JY/Tietotekniikan laitos, 1999.
(PDF Optimassa)

Week 12
Tue 22.3. at 12-14
tai at 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 8:
Which parts (or components) are usually included into most of the learning platforms and how this construction correspond to learning and teaching concepts?
Thu 24.3.- Tue 29.3. EASTER HOLIDAYS!    
Week 13
Thu 31.3. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

Osa 5b. LEARNING PLATFORMS - mostly used learning platforms
Ketomäki E. ym.:
Virtual Learning Environments, Evaluation of e-Learning Solutions and Development og Criteria for Selecting a Solution Academic Users' Perspective, 28.8.2001, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration ITP 2001 Electronic Business Track. (PDF)

Britain, S. & Liber, O.:
A Framework for Pedagogical Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments , 12.1.2001. (HUOM! Jos tulostat tämän, niin tulosta vaakasuoralle arkille.)

Korpi M., Niemi P., Ovaskainen T., Siekkinen P. & Junttila V.:
Virtuaalinen oppimisympäristö koulutusta järjestävän organisaation työvälineenä ,
Jy/TITU, TITU:n julkaisuja 7/2000.

Korte H., Hartikainen, V-M., Kauranen, J., Paakkanen T., Pesonen K., & Yritys, K.: Oppimisympäristöjen esittely, arviointi ja vertailu: A&O, Blackboard CourseInfo 4.0, Lotus LearningSpace Forum, TopClass 3.01, WebCT 2.0 ja Virtual-U, 2000.

TITU:n oppimisympäristösivusto

Web Course in a Box
R5 Generation
Humap Tool
Week 14
Tue 5.4. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 9:
Choose one of mostly used learning platforms and compare its construction and components to common structural model (presented last week).
Thu 7.4. at 8.30-16
Ag Alfa

Conclusion of previous learning assignment and ...

Greating content - usability

Ihamäki, H. & Vilpola, I. (2004) Usability of a Virtual Learning Environment Concerning Safety at Work, EJEL - Electronic Journal of e-Learning, Vol 2., Issue 1 / Paper 18

Vilpola, I. & Ihamäki, H. (2004) How to Remove the Major Obstacle of Learning: poor usability, elearningeuropa.info
Week 15
Tue 12.4. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Discussion in Optima
Learning assignment 10:
What factors have an influence on usability of learning environments?
Thu 14.4. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

Yhteenveto edellisestä oppimistehtävästä ja ...

Laitinen Janne:
Tietoturva Java-pohjaisissa internet-sovelluksissa,
Pro gradu -tutkielma, JY/Tietotekniikan laitos, 2001.
(PDF Optimassa)

Heinonen Petri:
Oppimisympäristöjen ylläpito,
Pro gradu -tutkielma, JY/Tietotekniikan laitos, 2001
(PDF Optimassa)

Opponoinneista sopiminen
Week 16
Tue 19.4. at 12-14
tai 14-16
Ag B211.1

Keskustelu Optimassa
Oppimistehtävä 11:
Mitä asioita tietoturvan kannalta virtuaalisissa oppimisympäristöissä tulisi ottaa huomioon?
Thu 21.4. Ei luentoa! -> ITK '05

Week 17
Tue 26.4. at 12-14 Ag Alfa
Visiting lecturer: Maintenance
Thu 28.4. at 8.30-10
Ag Alfa

  Kertausta kurssin aiheista
Nyyttikestit =)
Week 18

Tue 3.5. at 8.30 -> in room Ag Alfa and/(or) Thu 4.5. in room Ag Delta

Presentation (20 min/person) + questions. Final deadline for term papers is on - Fri 29.4.

Tietotekniikan laitos