TIE346    |     Teacher Education    |     Student counselling

Introduction - What does it take to pass this Course?

The extent of the course is 5 credits. This means that the course refers to an input of approximately 200 hours of work just for this course (this is about 13 hour per week).

Studies will follow the course schedule.

Course includes

  • two-hours lectures (usually on Thursdays); lectures are in Finnish only!
  • reading of the background materials
  • weekly group discussions on the Optima discussion board, OR written learning assignments
  • term paper from some topic related to VLE and presentation of term paper at the closing seminar on May

Part of the backgroud materials are in the Discendum Optima environment. Optima uses the same user identification and password as the University Computer Center network (e-mail address xx@cc.jyu.fi); make sure that you have this user identification before entering the Course.

There won't be any exams! Evaluation of the students perfomanc bases on

  • activeness
  • self-evaluation and learning diary
  • peer evaluation
  • term paper and presentation

Guidelines for the self-evaluation and the peer evaluation will be published soon!

Depertment of Mathematical Information Technology